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Tigui Mining Group (TMG) is a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) incorporated in December 2012. Through partnerships and alliances, Tigui Mining Group plays a strategic role in acquiring and developing enterprises that have economic value and potential for future growth. TMG is a conglomerate of natural resources, specifically mining mineral resources, such as gold, diamond, and iron ore.
Tigui Mining Group is the parent company of Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network (CDGTN), an exploration and exploitation junior mining company focused on gold and diamond projects. CDGTN currently holds permits totaling 356 square kilometers (km2) in Guinea, West Africa. Tigui Mining Group is one of the few women-owned mineral exploration companies.
TMG has highly experienced and competent professionals with vast knowledge in relative fields and a strong local presence with great understanding of government laws and of its local communities.

Tigui Mining Group believes in strict professional ethics and enforces high standards of corporate governance. TMG’s management supports the growth of employees and strongly believes that business growth correlates with employee satisfaction, corporate responsibility and transparency.

TMG focuses on sustainability and gender empowerment through the development of economic opportunities for the communities in and near the areas of exploitations. After gathering with the villagers at the early time of reconnaissance in Guinea, Ms Camara, -who is considered as a daughter among them-, decided to give priority to agriculture, which remains the primary source of revenue for women.  In the village of Tenembandou, at the border of Kerouane and Macenta, Guinean women live essentially of rice, tea and coffee culture.
Small interventions to support women can have significant impact. Investments in agriculture have significant potential for economic growth because the agriculture sector is the largest employer and the lifeblood of numerous communities.

TMG is implementing Agromine within all its mining projects, In partnership with major agri-business African corporations,
Agromine is an innovative program aimed to empower women and to build community resilience. The pilot project is due to start in Cote d’Ivoire, where agriculture represents 30% of GDP and employs two-thirds of the population.

To know more about AGROMINE

TMG currently has strategically acquired a portfolio including two (2) mining assets in Guinea, West Africa :




 Type of Permits  








Five (5) semi-exploitation  permits


Three (3) research permits      

76 km2


280 km2

Siguiri Gold Project: 76 square kilometers    
  Situated in the gold rich Birimian Supergroup                                                     
  Adjacent to major mining concessions such as Ashant’s SAG, Gold N.V. andLefa                                                                                                              
  Evidence of surface gold exists on the property
  Prospecting phase – TMG intend to  hire SRK ES to conduct research studies
Kerouane-Macenta Diamond Project: 280 square kilometers

  Located in the diamond triangle of Kissidougou-Kerouane-Macenta
  Adjacent to Stellar Diamond’s concession in the region of Kerouane
  Located close to Rio Tinto’s Simandou Iron Ore project
  Prospecting phase-TMG intend to hire SRK ES to conduct research studies.
In May 2013 the group deposited a request for optention of an Iron ore permit at the Ministry of Mine and Geology of Guinea, West Africa.
Please read about CDGTN our subsidiary company for more development on the different assets.


TMG Group has expanded into Côte d’Ivoire with intentions to acquire licenses for gold, diamond and oil.  In 2014, the subsidiary TMG-CI was launched

in Abidjan.

Please read about TMG CI PROJECTS  for more information on our different activities in Côte d'Ivoire.

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