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These are further locally intercalated with layers of black schist, sandstone and limestone. From SRK ES review, it is believed that no previous exploration work was carried out over the license area, although Societe Ashanti Goldfields de Guinee (SAG) previously held the license prior to retroceding it.


CDGTN then acquired the license in 2010.Further review illustrates that the outcropping units within the Siguiri Gold Project host significant gold mineralization elsewhere within the wider basin. 


The most notable of these are the two locally producing gold mines of Siguiri and Lefa, where mineralization appears to have preferentially developed in the more permeable, coarser grained sediments (such as siltstones and sandstones). Mineralization here is also related to fracture zones and vein stockworks related to large-scale deformational structures. CDGTN’s Siguiri Gold Project appears to contain common characteristics to these two deposits and other known mineral occurrences within the basin.


Commercial mining in the region today is focused on targeting gold concentrated in primary in-situ quartz vein stockwork zones and the underlying metasediments, while local artisanal miners concentrate on exploiting the placer gold deposits found in the greater Siguiri region. A number of important mineral occurrences were highlighted by Mamedov, V (2010) which surround the CDGTN project area.


Current exploration in the Siguiri region is focused on identifying mineralization in the saprolite, using geophysics, soil geochemistry and drilling to develop robust geological models.Therefore, following their review, SRK ES believes that the five permits hold reasonable potential to host primary gold mineralization and that modern systematic exploration is merited.


SRK ES therefore suggests a work plan aimed at further evaluating the Siguiri project to ultimately develop drillable targets. It involves a phased, systematic approach that would initially be directed at evaluating the entire project area before progressively reducing the exploration area to focus on the most prospective targets. Once the most prospective targets have been defined and deemed as potentially economic, an exploration drilling campaign would be conducted, leading to a resource-drilling program (should results be positive).





From a review of the location of the licences against the position of other known gold projects and the extent of the Siguiri Basin, SRK ES's initial opinions on the licences are that they mostly lie within the Siguiri Basin and comprise predominantly Proterozoic rocks of Birimian Greenstone terrain, which are considered prospective for shear hosted gold mineralisation.


Looking at gold mines within the region such as Anglogold Ashanti's Siguiri Mine and Nord Gold N.V. Lefa Mine, information can be sought on the type of gold mineralisation that  may be expected within CDGTN's project area. This information can be used to guide exploration.


A common feature in the Lefa and Siguiri gold mines is that in both these deposits mineralisation appears to have preferentially developed in the more permeable coarser grained sediments such as siltstones and sandstones, with fracture zones and vein stockworks also providing favorable sites for gold mineralisation.


The presence of siltstones and sandstones within CDGTN's license area and interpreted NNE trending structure to the south of the license area is positive in terms of the prospectivity of the license area.


There are a number of streams flowing across and peripheral to the licence area. It appears that the streams drain the licence area to both the north and more dominantly to the south, therefore any anomalies within stream sediments would likely be indicative of primary gold within the licence area.


Following their review, SRK ES believes that the five permits hold reasonable potential to host primary gold mineralisation and that modern systematic exploration is merited. 


Please contact us to access the full report on CDGTN's Siguiri project developed by SRK

Tigui Mining Group (TMG) holds 100% interest in the CDGTN Siguiri Gold mine property.


Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network (CDGTN) commissioned SRK Exploration Limited (SRK ES) to undertake a desk based technical review of the company’s five contiguous gold assets, which comprise the Siguiri Gold Project.


The Siguiri Gold Project is a grassroots exploration project, located in the Siguiri Basin of northeast Guinea, West Africa. The project covers an area of 76 km2 and is located some 850 km northeast of the Guinean capital Conakry.


The units of the Birimian Supergroup overthrusted onto the Man Shield nucleus and the emplacement of a number of intrusive units dominate the geology of the Siguiri basin during the Eburmean Orogeny in the Paleo-Proterozoic.

The Siguiri Project is located almost entirely within the Siguiri Basin and is predominantly made up of Proterozoic Birimian rocks, sequences of fine-grained sedimentary facies and low level metamorphosed greenschists.

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