Our future is defined in how we are taking care of our youth now.
Education is crucial. Our survival depends on it.
Tiguidanke Camara, Chairman & CEO of TMG
TMG Foundation is to develop the charitable activities initiated by Tiguidanke Camara, founder and CEO of Tigui Mining Group.
TMG Foundation, is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the livelihood of the communities in West Africa, with an emphasis on empowering and educating women and the youth. It is set up to support all the social actions of the company Tigui Mining Group with regards to its employees and communities.
Voluntary help and donations have been made to the communities to assist them in their daily needs. The legal status of the non-profit is being finalized.
Africa's greatest resource is its youth. Generation Y has improved in health and benefited from enrollment in schools.The continent is creating a generation of young people who have the mindset and the motivation to change the world around them.
Women make up the majority of small farmers.Yet barriers exist that push women traders and producers into informal economy where a lack of access to finance, information and network limit their capacity to grow their business and their contribution to the economy.
TMG Foundation is embarking on this journey with them as education, empowerment are a focal belief in all our endeavors and children and women are the future we all rely on.
Ms.Camara, our Chairman sharing some warm moment with children from the village of Guingouine, Cote d'Ivoire in 2016.
To ensure safety of mining populations informing them of the risks of unsafe and clandestine artisanal mining and its health risks.
TMG Foundation aims to provide women with the opportunity to learn how to produce and market different products through agriculture programs.
We will be teaching these women vital skills in food security, food hygiene, household hygiene, nutrition and income generation to promote long-term program sustainability for them and their families.
To set up an educational system to prevent children from being used on mines and reduce prostitution by empowering both women and youths so as to reduce the risks of contracting STD's and STI's around mines and rural areas.
Bridging the gap between young, educated Africans and the job market is a key challenge that requires collaboration between government, education providers and the private sectors.
The jobs deficit, particularly for the continent's ambitious young people, requires greater focus on matching skills to jobs.
There is an imperative need to educate Africa's experts.There is much to be done to improve education for all, but governments must also focus on higher education and advanced training so we can have deeper pools of experts.
As an entrepreneur and a mother, our Chairman, Ms. Tiguidanke Camara, puts a great value on education and training. She has taken actions toward partships to provide the following:
Professionalize training and internship programs to improve the integration of school-leavers into the workforce.
Donations of school materials : Books and supplies.
Donations to hospitals in the department of maternity in the premature babies section at the CHUof Treichville, in supplies of mineral water, diapers and wipes, milk, cleaning supplies and paid medical bills to alleviate mothers costs.
Food distribution during Ramadan.
Donations in agriculture material to the women cooperative of Guingouine in the likes of security boot, etc..
Donations to the village youth of Guingouine in football supply and uniforms that will be delivered to them.