Agromine Project “Sol Beni”
TMG has started the development of 52 hectares of land called “Camp Sol Beni” in partnership with the village of Grand Bouboury in Dabou, 50km from Abidjan. TMG has allocated a start-up budget of 14 Million CFA. In Grand Bouboury, the 5000 inhabitants live mainly on production of rubber and cassava, a grain which is transformed into semolina named attiéké. TMG is putting in place a cooperative of twenty women dedicated to the production of attiéké.
The project focuses on the development of perennial crops such as rubber tree (20 Ha) and palm tree (10 Ha), food crops (cassava, yams, corn), and market gardening cash crops (tomatoes, pepper, eggplants, cabbage etc.).
TMG enables the youth and women of Grand Bouboury to achieve financial independence and food security by creating job opportunities, increasing income revenue, and developing a value chain of activities, ranging from production to marketing.